Anti-Dandruff KIT

It is a KIT formulated with a very fundamental purpose, to cure the different affections that appear in the scalp and the hair strand, based on resorcinol, which is an anti-bacterial of a broad spectrum, coconut oil, rosemary oil, nettle, and boric acid at the same time. It contains vital conditioners strengthened with silicones, giving place to the structural recovery of the hair strand, providing freshness, shine, hydration, and smoothness.

The ingredients used in this KIT are generally formed to eliminate infectious elements contributing to the general health of the hair strand and scalp.

Anti-Dandruff KIT


Pre-Shampoo Anti-Dandruff


Anti-Dandruff- Shampoo


Anti-Dandruff Conditioner


Hair Mask- Anti-Dandruff


Anti-Dandruff Wax


Hair Oil- Anti-Dandruff
